Our Writing Journey - Term 4

This is a sample of our writing when were challenged to write a story independently from the teacher.

To write a story about a fun time with friends independently from the teacher.

I can write a story about a fun time with friends.

Samantha wrote her story independently on the first and second line of the right side of the page. She has created a beautiful picture with lots of use of colour and details to help her think of ideas to write about. Her next goal to work on is to work on writing between the lines (this is highlighted in orange)


September 2015
I am learning to: sort 2D shapes by their geometric properties.
Success criteria: I can group shapes and talk about their properties.

Here I am counting shapes on our shape man activity sheet.

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I am learning to: write a story about a time when I did something really well.
Success criteria: I can draw a picture plan and write a story about something I did really well.

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Te wiki o te reo maori-Maori language week

Tena koutou katoa,

Greetings all,

Recently we celebrated Maori Language week at School. 

Here is a link to some resources your family may like to print off.


NgÄ mihi nui

Geoff Wallis