Integrated Learning Term 4

WALT about being safe in the sun

SUCCESS CRITERIA We know what to do so that we are safe in the sun.

Reading Term 4

WALT predict what is going to happen then talk about the text that we have been reading.

SUCCESS CRITERIA I can use the pictures to know what the story might be about before I read it. I can remember what I have been reading about and talk about what happened.

STUDENT VOICE " I know to look at the pictures so I can see what the book is going to be about.  I can tell you about the story at the end".

Music and Te Reo

WALT greet people in Maori.

SUCCESS CRITERIA : I can use the greetings Tena Koe,Tena Korua and Tena Koutou.

STUDENT VOICE " I know that Tena koe means Hello if I am talking to Miss O'Loughlin"


Mini Monets          

WALT use various materials to create art, hold a paintbrush and mix colours. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can use the brush and sponge to show a variety of techniques, show perseverance and care when finishing work.

Reading Term 4

WALT talk about the story. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA I can try to predict what might be going to happen before I read all the story then summarise what did happen after reading the text.

Maths Other strand- Time

WALT know the o'clock times.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We know when the clock says 9 o'clock, 10 o'cock....

Writing Term 4

WALT write a story that makes sense.

SUCCESS CRITERIA My story sounds right and makes sense. 

Physical Education Term 4

WALT bounce a ball and control it. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA I cam bounce the ball and still have control of it. I might bounce and catch or keep bouncing. 

Maths Term 4

WALT count in ones.
SUCCESS CRITERIA I can count like 1,2,3,4.... without missing out any numbers. 

Integrated Learning Term 4

WALT know about being safe in the sun.

SUCCESS CRITERIA I know what to do so that I am safe in the sun. 


WALT know what the CARE values mean.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We can say what C A R and E stand for and what we need to do to practise these Values.
 "I know that to show respect I need to speak nicely to everyone".

Term 3 Integrated Learning

WALT know what changes can we make to make to make our news playground and learning spaces more learner friendly? What designs /plans do we need to make?

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can design an object for a new playground or a new learning space at our school.  

STUDENT VOICE " I made a new swimming pool that I could swim in because I like swimming".

Term 3

Physical Education

WALT skip while running along.
SUCCESS CRITERIA 'I can turn the rope and run along at the same time, skipping". 

Written Language

Easy Blog Photo

WALT leave spaces in our story.

SUCCESS CRITERIA I have left a finger space after each word.

Science Term 2

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WALT know what plants need to grow. SUCCESS CRITERIA We know that plants need sunlight, water and food from the soil to grow.

Reading Term 2

WALT  find words that I know before I start reading.SUCCESS CRITERIA  I can see some words on the page that I know how to read.

STUDENT VOICE "I know the word the".

Te Reo Term 2

Te Reo and Music

WALT use Maori greetings.

SUCCESS CRITERIA I can use the greetings Tena Koe, Tena Korua and Tena Koutou.

STUDENT VOICE " I know how to say Hello in Maori". 

Maths Term 2

WALT count in ones.

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can count  1,2,3,
STUDENT VOICE " I can count up to ten".

My Writing Term 2

Easy Blog Photo

WALT  write a recount.

SUCCESS CRITERIA We have written about something that has happened.

Writing Term 1

WALT write a group of words that makes sense.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We have written words in a sentence.
STUDENT VOICE "  My words make into a sentence". 

Term 1 Swimming

WALT float and swim. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA I can let my feet come up off the bottom of the pool. I can use my legs to kick and my arms to do freestyle.