Integrated Learning Term 4

WALT about being safe in the sun

SUCCESS CRITERIA We know what to do so that we are safe in the sun.

Reading Term 4

WALT predict what is going to happen then talk about the text that we have been reading.

SUCCESS CRITERIA I can use the pictures to know what the story might be about before I read it. I can remember what I have been reading about and talk about what happened.

STUDENT VOICE " I know to look at the pictures so I can see what the book is going to be about.  I can tell you about the story at the end".

Music and Te Reo

WALT greet people in Maori.

SUCCESS CRITERIA : I can use the greetings Tena Koe,Tena Korua and Tena Koutou.

STUDENT VOICE " I know that Tena koe means Hello if I am talking to Miss O'Loughlin"


Mini Monets          

WALT use various materials to create art, hold a paintbrush and mix colours. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can use the brush and sponge to show a variety of techniques, show perseverance and care when finishing work.

Reading Term 4

WALT talk about the story. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA I can try to predict what might be going to happen before I read all the story then summarise what did happen after reading the text.

Maths Other strand- Time

WALT know the o'clock times.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We know when the clock says 9 o'clock, 10 o'cock....

Writing Term 4

WALT write a story that makes sense.

SUCCESS CRITERIA My story sounds right and makes sense. 

Physical Education Term 4

WALT bounce a ball and control it. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA I cam bounce the ball and still have control of it. I might bounce and catch or keep bouncing. 

Maths Term 4

WALT count in ones.
SUCCESS CRITERIA I can count like 1,2,3,4.... without missing out any numbers. 

Integrated Learning Term 4

WALT know about being safe in the sun.

SUCCESS CRITERIA I know what to do so that I am safe in the sun.